This work entitled THE ANSWERS GIVEN BY A LAMA reaches the reader to shed light on the doctrinal doubts that can be found by those who take their first steps in Gnosis and also for those who…
“An uninterpreted dream is like an unopened letter.” A lot of information has been published on the oneiric symbology, thousands of books have been written and, nevertheless, in them, there …
Dialogues with my Soul is a work filled with lyricism, ingenuity, inspiration and poetry. In it, the author recreates his own transcendental inner discoveries, expressing them through short …
The Essence has to respond to those stimuli, let’s say, with work. It has to put also its part of efforts, and many times of super-efforts, because one thing is that we have the inner stimulus, which is worth a lot, which comes from the Father, and another thing is that we have willpower to respond to those efforts
Many of the questions posed by the students of Gnosis at the level of the famous INNER PSYCHOLOGICAL WORK are revealed in this document, for the good of those who want to truly attain SELF-DISCOVERY but have not yet been able to achieve it. The True Experience of the Secret Path
Gnosis is the biggest gift the Great Law could have bestowed upon us. Gnosis is a verifiable path, it is not a theory. It is much more than a metaphysical religious doctrine: it is the presence of God in our lives. Unveiling the Mysteries of the Secret Path
And the difference that exists between the multitude of students who read Gnosis and the one who applies it is that he becomes, the one who applies it, an enemy of himself and does not want to tolerate, one more day, that the I continue to deceive him. That is the key: to take the moral resolution with oneself, each on his own, to not force anyone to do anything. Transcendental Gnostic Themes
We have always said that the process of Self-realisation is the consequence of two forces: one we shall call centrifugal and the other centripetal. The centrifugal force is the one that our Inner Real Being does, which is from the inside towards the outside, looking for us.
But if one dies, then we have many doors open, and doors that will be open to us because the Father wants us to self-realize. Conceptions of Contemporary Gnosticism
We must persevere at all costs on this path. The impatient ones will abandon this path very quickly, because the knowledge of ourselves is a lengthy task that takes a lifetime, but it is not in vain. Valorizations of the Gnostic Inner Work