Well-remembered friends: With great pleasure I send you the words of the Avatar of Aquarius referring to… … CONCOMITANCES OF OUR AVATAR ON THE END…
Allegory with a dog and an eagle
Much appreciated reader friends: I hasten to send you another work of the genius painter that history remembers under the name of Leonardo da Vinci.…
The Gnostic mystery surrounding John the Baptist
Dearest readers: With immense joy I approach you again and on this occasion to tell you about the precursor of the V.M. Aberamentho ─Jesus of…
Highly appreciated friends: Making necessary reflections on our particular, individual, inner psychological work, I send you some considerations that will probably help us, let us…
One more year of the age of Aquarius
Dearly beloved companions: Allow me to greet you and send you a few words to commemorate… …ONE MORE YEAR OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS February…
Theseus and his Philosopher’s Stone
Appreciated friends: I would like to send you a few words about some beautiful paintings or oil paintings that speak to us about… … THESEUS…
Dearly beloved friends: Continuing with our desire to send you extraordinary esoteric explanations about the paintings of the great Master Leonardo da Vinci, I am…
The mystery that surrounds the woman
Dearest readers: It fills me with emotion to send you a few lines to try to clarify: THE MYSTERY THAT SURROUNDS THE WOMAN WOMAN: The…
The mystery enclosed in the figures of Leda and the swan
Dearest friends: On this occasion I am pleased to send you a few words about… …THE MYSTERY ENCLOSED IN THE FIGURES OF LEDA AND THE…
Dearest Missionary brothers/sisters: Inverential Peace! I am very pleased to send us a few words again, this time in relation to another pictorial work by…
The answers of the Avatar of Aquarius to very important questions
Dearest readers: It is an enormous pleasure and a great joy to reach out to all of you, in this message: THE ANSWERS OF THE…
Revelations regarding the intimate Christ of Leonardo da Vinci
Dearly beloved friends: I am pleased to send you today the esoteric description of this magnificent oil painting attributed to the V.M. Leonardo da Vinci…
The mystery of igneous intelligences in the atoms
Esteemed reader: THE MYSTERY OF IGNEOUS INTELLIGENCES IN THE ATOMS Those of us who have tried to study the sacred doctrine bequeathed to us by…
On this occasion I want to tell you about another of Leonardo da Vinci’s transcendental paintings, and I refer emphatically to that other work of art entitled The Lady with an Ermine.
Dear friends: I want to send you a few words related to: THE TWO KINGDOMS There is the KINGDOM OF LIGHT and the KINGDOM OF…