Identity, Values and Image.

Identity, Values and Image

Identity, Values and Image 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

We could disintegrate the Ego, put an end to all the positive and negative values that we have, and then we could serve as a vehicle for new values, the values of the Being.

But, in this case, we need a didactic if we want to eliminate the values we currently have in order to bring about a change.

First of all, it would be necessary, in reality and in truth, to resort to the intimate psychoanalysis. When one resorts to intimate psychoanalysis in order to know his defects of a psychological type, a great difficulty arises. I want to emphatically refer to the force of “counter-transference”.

One can self-investigate, one can be introverted, but when one tries it, the difficulty of counter-transference always arises. It is about transferring our attention inwards with the purpose of self-exploring ourselves in order to know ourselves, and to eliminate the negative values that harm us psychologically, socially, economically, politically and even spiritually.

Unfortunately –I repeat–, when one tries to be introverted in order to explore oneself and know oneself, counter-transference immediately arises, which is a force that makes introversion difficult. If counter-transference did not exist, introversion would become easier.

Unfortunately, counter-transference makes introversion completely difficult, and we need intimate psychoanalysis, we need intimate self-investigation in order to really know ourselves.

Let us remember that phrase of Thales of Miletus, Nosce te ipsum –’Man, know thyself and you will know the universe and the Gods’–. When one knows oneself, one can change. As long as he does not know himself, any change will be useless to him. But first of all, my dear friends, one needs self-analysis.

How would one overcome the force of counter-transference that hinders intimate psychoanalysis or self-analysis? In reality and in truth, this would only be possible through transactional analysis and structural analysis.

When one resorts to structural analysis, one knows those psychological structures that make intimate introspection difficult and almost impossible. Knowing such structures, we understand them, and understanding them, we can then overcome this obstacle.

But we would need something else: we would also need transactional analysis. There are banking transactions, commercial ones, etc. There are also psychological transactions. The diverse psychic elements that we carry within us are subject to transactions, exchanges, struggles, changes of position, etc. They are not something immobile, they always exist in a state of motion.

When one, through transactional analysis, knows the different intimate psychological processes, and when, in addition to that, one has also come to know the diverse structures, then the difficulty for psychological introversion ends and the self-exploration of the Myself, of the Oneself, is later realized with complete success.

He who achieves complete self-exploration regarding this or that defect, whether it be to know anger, or to know greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness or gluttony, etc., can make formidable psychological advances.

We should first start by segregating the defect that we want to eliminate from ourselves, and subsequently we would dissolve it. The disintegrated defect liberates some percentage of animic Essence. As we disintegrate each one of our false values, that is to say, our defects, the animic Essence bottled up within them will be liberated. And finally, the totally liberated psychological Essence will totally transform us. That will be the precise instant when the eternal values of the Being will express through us. Unquestionably, this would be marvelous not only for ourselves, but for humanity.

The Fifth Gospel, chapter “Identity, Values and Image”
Samael Aun Weor