Level of Being

The Marvellous Ladder

The Marvellous Ladder 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

We need to yearn for a true change, to exit this boring routine, this merely mechanistic, tiring life…

What we must first understand with complete clarity is that each one of us, whether bourgeois or proletarian, well-off or middle class, rich or miserable, is located really in this or that “Level of Being”…

The “Level of Being” of the drunkard is different from that of the abstainer, and that of the prostitute is very different from that of the maid. What we are saying is irrefutable, indisputable…

Having reached this part of our chapter, we lose nothing by imagining a ladder that extends from the bottom upwards, vertically, and with a great many steps…

Unquestionably, we are on one of these steps; on the steps below will be people worse than us; on the steps above will be people better than us…

In this extraordinary Vertical, in this marvelous ladder, it is clear that we can find all the Levels of Being… Each person is different and no one can refute this…

Undoubtedly, we are not talking now about ugly or pretty faces, nor is it a matter of age. There are young and old people, elderly people who are about to die and new born children…

The matter of time and age; that of being born, growing up, developing oneself, getting married, reproducing oneself, growing old and dying, is exclusive of the Horizontal…

In the “marvelous ladder”, in the Vertical, the concept of time does not fit. On the steps of that ladder we can only find Levels of Being…

The mechanical hope of people is completely useless; they believe that things will get better with time. Our grandparents and our great-grandparents thought so; the facts, precisely, have demonstrated the opposite…

The “Level of Being” is what matters, and this is Vertical; we are located on a step, but we can go up to another step…

The “marvelous ladder” that we are talking about, and that refers to the different “Levels of Being”, certainly, has nothing to do with linear time…

A higher “Level of Being” is immediately above us from instant to instant…

It is not in any remote horizontal future, but here and now; inside us, in the Vertical…

It is obvious, and anyone can understand it, that the two lines –Horizontal and Vertical– meet from moment to moment in our psychological interior and form a cross…

The personality develops and unfolds in the Horizontal line of life. It is born and dies inside its linear time; it is perishable. There is no tomorrow for the personality of the deceased; it is not the Being…

The Levels of Being, the Being himself, do not belong to time, they have nothing to do with the Horizontal line; they are inside us, now, in the Vertical…

It would be manifestly absurd to look for our own Being outside us…

It is not superfluous to establish as a corollary the following: titles, degrees, promotions, etc., in the outer physical world, would in no way give rise to authentic exaltation, revaluation of the Being, passing to a superior step in the “Levels of Being”…

Revolutionary Psychology, Chapter II, “The Marvellous Ladder”
Samael Aun Weor