Liberating Oneself from the Bodies

Liberating Oneself from the Bodies

Liberating Oneself from the Bodies 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Lying in his bed, with his arms crossed over his chest, the disciple will meditate profoundly on his physical body, telling himself: “I am not this physical body”.

Then, the disciple will meditate profoundly on his etheric body, telling himself: I am not this etheric body.

Then, submerged into profound inner meditation, the disciple will reflect on his astral body and say: I am not the astral body.

Now, the disciple will meditate on his mental body and say to himself: Neither am I this mind with which I am thinking.

Then, the disciple will reflect on his willpower and he will say to himself: Neither am I the body of will.

Now the disciple will meditate on his Consciousness and say to himself: Neither am I the Consciousness.

Now, finally, submerged into deep meditation, the disciple will exclaim with his heart: I AM THE INTIMATE! I AM THE INTIMATE! I AM THE INTIMATE!

Then, outside of all his vehicles the disciple will have become an entire majesty of the Infinite.

He will then see that it is not necessary to think because the wisdom of the INTIMATE is: yes, yes, yes.

Now the disciple will notice that the action of the INTIMATE is: yes, yes, yes. Now, the disciple will understand that the nature of the INTIMATE is absolute happiness, absolute existence, and absolute omniscience.

In these moments of supreme happiness, the past and the future join in an eternal now, and the great cosmic days and the great cosmic nights succeed each other in an eternal moment…

In this fullness of happiness, our disciples can study all the wisdom of fire among the blazing flames of the Universe.

Samael Aun Weor
Igneous Rose, chapter 17