Meditation on Ursa Major

Meditation on Ursa Major 850 480 Universal

Ancient men grew spiritually under the influence of Ursa Major, and if students want to awaken Consciousness, they must meditate intensely on Ursa Major. That constellation radiates powerful…

La oración del Padrenuestro

La oración del Padrenuestro

La oración del Padrenuestro 850 480 Universal

La oración del Padrenuestro es el poder mágico más grandioso para despertar el chakra del corazón.
Orar es conversar con Dios.
El Padrenuestro sirve para conversar con Dios.
El discípulo se …

Practice to Discover Our Needs and Greed

Practice to Discover Our Needs and Greed 850 480 Universal

Lie down in the form of a star, opening the arms and legs to the left and right.
Concentrate now on your own immediate physical needs.
Meditate, reflect on each one of those needs.
Fall a…

Retrospective Exercise to Develop Clairvoyance

Retrospective Exercise to Develop Clairvoyance 850 480 Universal

The most powerful exercise in the world to develop clairvoyance is the so-called “retrospective exercise” in occultism.
The disciple, immersed in deep inner meditation, starts his practice …

Meditation to Expand the Consciousness

Meditation to Expand the Consciousness 850 480 Universal

Relax your whole body, calm your mind for a few minutes and calm down completely.
When you have achieved this, expand your consciousness from the inside outwards. See that it expands upward…

Mantra RUSTI for Astral Projection

Mantra RUSTI for Astral Projection 850 480 Universal

The disciple will lie down on his bed in a horizontal position. He will relax his body so that no muscle makes pressure on the astral body. He will fall asleep pronouncing the mantra RUSTI, …

Mantra EGIPTO for Astral Projection

Mantra EGIPTO for Astral Projection

Mantra EGIPTO for Astral Projection 850 480 Universal

Our disciples must acquire the power to go out in the astral body. This power is acquired by vocalizing daily for one hour the sacred mantra EGIPTO.
The vowel E makes the thyroid gland vibr…

Astral Practice with Philip

Astral Practice with Philip 850 480 Universal

Philip, the Apostle of Jesus, exists within us, here and now.
Philip assists the invoker and takes him out in the astral body.
Usually such invokers receive multiple benefits.
These types…

Oración a la Madre Divina para el desdoblamiento astral

Oración a la Madre Divina para el desdoblamiento astral

Oración a la Madre Divina para el desdoblamiento astral 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Acuéstese usted boca arriba en su cama con el cuerpo bien relajado, y adormézcase recitando con su pensamiento y con su corazón la siguiente plegaria: «Creo en Dios, creo en mi Madre Divina…»

Astral Projection Using the Imagination

El desdoblamiento astral utilizando la imaginación

El desdoblamiento astral utilizando la imaginación 850 480 Universal

Hay que distinguir entre la imaginación intencional y la imaginación mecánica. Es obvio que la imaginación mecánica resulta siendo la misma fantasía. La clave de poder se halla en unir la vo…