Subduing the Mind with Mantra “WU”

Subduing the Mind with Mantra “WU” 850 480 Universal

The Chinese Master Wu Wen […] went to Master Huai Shi, who taught him to meditate with the help of the sacred mantra WU. This mantra is sung mentally with the letter U repeated twice: UUUU…

Practice with the Seven Powers to Prepare the Body for Magic

Practice with the Seven Powers to Prepare the Body for Magic 850 480 Universal

Today, the human body is already completely out of touch with Nature, and the powerful waves of the universe cannot express themselves through it. It is up to us to adjust the body again to …

How to Enter the Elemental Paradises of Nature

How to Enter the Elemental Paradises of Nature 850 480 Universal

Meditate deeply on the Heart Temple of the center of the Earth. Meditate on the Genie of the Earth whose name is Chamgam. Ask him to put you in contact with the Gnomes that inhabit the entra…

Meditation with the Salamanders of Fire

Meditation with the Salamanders of Fire 850 480 Universal

Light a fire and then vocalize the mantra INRI. This mantra is vocalized in two separate syllables: IN-RI, but lengthening the sound of each letter. Now concentrate on the fire that you have…

Meditation in the Heart Center to Learn to Go Out in Jinn State

Meditation in the Heart Center to Learn to Go Out in Jinn State 850 480 Universal

Those who want to learn how to go out in the astral body at will; those who want to enter the Jinn science to learn how to get into the fourth dimension with their physical body and to trans…

Hindu Imagination Practice for the Annihilation of the “I”

Hindu Imagination Practice for the Annihilation of the “I” 850 480 Universal

In the name of the one hundred thousand virgins of the ineffable mystery that is hidden in the depths of all ages, it is now important to talk a little about the famous Hindustani Papapurush…

Mantra “O” and Prayer to the Christ

Mantra “O” and Prayer to the Christ 850 480 Universal

Those who want to learn how to go out in the astral body at will; those who want to enter the Jinn science to learn how to get into the fourth dimension with their physical body and to trans…

Meditation on Ursa Major

Meditation on Ursa Major 850 480 Universal

Ancient men grew spiritually under the influence of Ursa Major, and if students want to awaken Consciousness, they must meditate intensely on Ursa Major. That constellation radiates powerful…

La oración del Padrenuestro

La oración del Padrenuestro

La oración del Padrenuestro 850 480 Universal

La oración del Padrenuestro es el poder mágico más grandioso para despertar el chakra del corazón.
Orar es conversar con Dios.
El Padrenuestro sirve para conversar con Dios.
El discípulo se …

Practice to Discover Our Needs and Greed

Practice to Discover Our Needs and Greed 850 480 Universal

Lie down in the form of a star, opening the arms and legs to the left and right.
Concentrate now on your own immediate physical needs.
Meditate, reflect on each one of those needs.
Fall a…