The Holy Eight and the Sacred Order of Tibet

Practice with the Holy Eight and the Sacred Order of Tibet

Practice with the Holy Eight and the Sacred Order of Tibet 850 480 Universal

Lying in bed, before sleeping, the disciple will perform the following practice: Put your mind in a state of stillness and silence, falling asleep thinking of the figure of the Holy Eight –the Infinite–, as shown in the attached image.

Imagination Exercise with the Goddess Kakini

Imagination Exercise with the Goddess Kakini

Imagination Exercise with the Goddess Kakini 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

El devoto debe concentrarse en su corazón imaginando que allí hay rayos y truenos, nubes que vuelan perdiéndose en el ocaso impulsadas por los fuertes huracanes. Imagine el gnóstico muchas á…

Calming the Mind, healing the mental body

Calming the Mind with the Mantra “S M HON”

Calming the Mind with the Mantra “S M HON” 850 480 Universal

The mental body is a material organism that has its anatomy and occult ultraphysiology.
The mantra to cure diseases of the mental body is: S M HON.
S is pronounced with a whistling sound, …

Perceiving the Tattvas

Perceiving the Tattvas

Perceiving the Tattvas 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Sit at a table with your face toward the east, rest your elbows on the table and proceed in the following way:
Insert the thumbs of your right and left hands into the ears. Cover your eye…

How to Pass the Solar Forces from the Solar Plexus to the Other Chakras

How to Pass the Solar Forces from the Solar Plexus to the Other Chakras 850 480 Universal

The Kundalini or Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers has a great deposit of solar energy in the region of the navel, in the solar plexus chakra. This magnetic center is very important in I…

The Hermetic Seal

The Hermetic Seal 850 480 Universal

There is no doubt that we always live identifying ourselves with useless things and facts.
We let our psychic energy get sucked out! What would we look like? I say perhaps a colander …

Subduing the Mind with Mantra “WU”

Subduing the Mind with Mantra “WU” 850 480 Universal

The Chinese Master Wu Wen […] went to Master Huai Shi, who taught him to meditate with the help of the sacred mantra WU. This mantra is sung mentally with the letter U repeated twice: UUUU…

Practice with the Seven Powers to Prepare the Body for Magic

Practice with the Seven Powers to Prepare the Body for Magic 850 480 Universal

Today, the human body is already completely out of touch with Nature, and the powerful waves of the universe cannot express themselves through it. It is up to us to adjust the body again to …

How to Enter the Elemental Paradises of Nature

How to Enter the Elemental Paradises of Nature 850 480 Universal

Meditate deeply on the Heart Temple of the center of the Earth. Meditate on the Genie of the Earth whose name is Chamgam. Ask him to put you in contact with the Gnomes that inhabit the entra…

Meditation with the Salamanders of Fire

Meditation with the Salamanders of Fire 850 480 Universal

Light a fire and then vocalize the mantra INRI. This mantra is vocalized in two separate syllables: IN-RI, but lengthening the sound of each letter. Now concentrate on the fire that you have…