Lying in bed, before sleeping, the disciple will perform the following practice: Put your mind in a state of stillness and silence, falling asleep thinking of the figure of the Holy Eight –the Infinite–, as shown in the attached image.
El devoto debe concentrarse en su corazón imaginando que allí hay rayos y truenos, nubes que vuelan perdiéndose en el ocaso impulsadas por los fuertes huracanes. Imagine el gnóstico muchas á…
Today, the human body is already completely out of touch with Nature, and the powerful waves of the universe cannot express themselves through it. It is up to us to adjust the body again to …
Meditate deeply on the Heart Temple of the center of the Earth. Meditate on the Genie of the Earth whose name is Chamgam. Ask him to put you in contact with the Gnomes that inhabit the entra…
Light a fire and then vocalize the mantra INRI. This mantra is vocalized in two separate syllables: IN-RI, but lengthening the sound of each letter. Now concentrate on the fire that you have…
Those who want to learn how to go out in the astral body at will; those who want to enter the Jinn science to learn how to get into the fourth dimension with their physical body and to trans…
The disciple must learn how to take the dear Maiden of Memories with him on his astral journeys, in order to bring the memory of what he sees and hears in the inner worlds, since she serves …
The mantra PANDER allows us to reach the Ancient of Days. This is possible with deep meditation.
In the world of Atziluth there is a wonderful temple where the majestic presence of the Anci…
Moral illnesses can only be cured by the magic of roses. Those who are sick as a result of some spiritual stabbing can be cured with the magic of roses. Those poor souls with deep moral sorr…
Whoever wants to raise the rate of vibrations of the physical body to bring it to a higher octave must use fasting, silence, prayer, meditation and good incense. It is necessary to burn good…