Ode to the glorious Samael

Poster “Ode to the glorious Samael”

Poster “Ode to the glorious Samael” 1810 2560 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Download Poster "Ode to the glorious Samael" (October 27th, 2021)

Cosa significa essere ingrati verso il nostro Reale Essere?

What does it mean to be ungrateful to our Real Being?

What does it mean to be ungrateful to our Real Being? 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Appreciated readers: I allow myself to send you, in this message, a few words concerning: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE UNGRATEFUL TO OUR REAL…

Meditation on the Kether with the Help of the Mantra “PANDER” and of the Angel Metatron

Meditation on the Kether with the Help of the Mantra “PANDER” and of the Angel Metatron 850 480 Universal

The mantra PANDER allows us to reach the Ancient of Days. This is possible with deep meditation.
In the world of Atziluth there is a wonderful temple where the majestic presence of the Anci…

Hindu Imagination Practice for the Annihilation of the “I”

Hindu Imagination Practice for the Annihilation of the “I” 850 480 Universal

In the name of the one hundred thousand virgins of the ineffable mystery that is hidden in the depths of all ages, it is now important to talk a little about the famous Hindustani Papapurush…

La oración del Padrenuestro

La oración del Padrenuestro

La oración del Padrenuestro 850 480 Universal

La oración del Padrenuestro es el poder mágico más grandioso para despertar el chakra del corazón.
Orar es conversar con Dios.
El Padrenuestro sirve para conversar con Dios.
El discípulo se …

Astral Practice with Philip

Astral Practice with Philip 850 480 Universal

Philip, the Apostle of Jesus, exists within us, here and now.
Philip assists the invoker and takes him out in the astral body.
Usually such invokers receive multiple benefits.
These types…

Oración a la Madre Divina para el desdoblamiento astral

Oración a la Madre Divina para el desdoblamiento astral

Oración a la Madre Divina para el desdoblamiento astral 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Acuéstese usted boca arriba en su cama con el cuerpo bien relajado, y adormézcase recitando con su pensamiento y con su corazón la siguiente plegaria: «Creo en Dios, creo en mi Madre Divina…»

Mantra “O” and Prayer to the Christ

Mantra “O” and Prayer to the Christ 850 480 Universal

Those who want to learn how to go out in the astral body at will; those who want to enter the Jinn science to learn how to get into the fourth dimension with their physical body and to trans…

Imaginación con la Cruz de Oro

Imaginación con la Cruz de Oro

Imaginación con la Cruz de Oro 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Recordemos que este plexo es el centro de la telepatía.

El discípulo, sentado en cómodo sillón, con el rostro dirigido hacia el Oriente, se imaginará allá, en esa lejanía, una cruz inmensa,…