The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity

The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity

The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Para nosotros los gnósticos este grabado posee una importancia trascendental, pues nos permite concebir aquello que para las iglesias católica y ortodoxa fue calificado como dogma de fe.

Guido Reni, Woman with doves / Prayer to the Divine Mother

Prayer to the Divine Mother for the Comprehension of the “I”

Prayer to the Divine Mother for the Comprehension of the “I” 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

The disciple will learn how to ask help from his Profound Inner Mother for understanding energetic entities that personify his psychological defects.

Apparitions of God-Mother

Why does God Mother like to appear to mankind in every century and in every place?

Why does God Mother like to appear to mankind in every century and in every place? 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

There was talk of apparitions of Our Lady before the First World War, before the Second World War and there is already talk of apparitions of God Mother on the eve of a Third World War.

Devata Ganesha, the Holy Spirit under the as a divine Elephant

Meditation with Devata Ganesha

Meditation with Devata Ganesha 850 480 Universal

The Hindus worship the forces of the Holy Spirit under the form of the divine Elephant, which they call Devata Ganesha –the Elemental Mage–.

The eternal cosmic duality

The eternal cosmic duality

The eternal cosmic duality 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

God is both male and female at the same time, Iod-Heve y Vau-Heve, and he gave us the free will to teach us how to differentiate. The eternal cosmic duality

The Holy Eight and the Sacred Order of Tibet

Practice with the Holy Eight and the Sacred Order of Tibet

Practice with the Holy Eight and the Sacred Order of Tibet 850 480 Universal

Lying in bed, before sleeping, the disciple will perform the following practice: Put your mind in a state of stillness and silence, falling asleep thinking of the figure of the Holy Eight –the Infinite–, as shown in the attached image.

Wierix Hieronymus, Importance of obedience

Importance of obedience

Importance of obedience 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Observe first of all that the central figure, at the top of this engraving, is the image of Our Lord CHRESTOS, a crude and living example of supreme obedience to the Father, because at all times he knew the drama he had to represent and spent absolutely his whole life preparing himself to face what he had to perform until, finally, he fulfilled it fully.

Imagination Exercise with the Goddess Kakini

Imagination Exercise with the Goddess Kakini

Imagination Exercise with the Goddess Kakini 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

El devoto debe concentrarse en su corazón imaginando que allí hay rayos y truenos, nubes que vuelan perdiéndose en el ocaso impulsadas por los fuertes huracanes. Imagine el gnóstico muchas á…

The salvation of our soul through the Divine Mother

The salvation of our soul through the Divine Mother

The salvation of our soul through the Divine Mother 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Dearly beloved friends: I send you, on this occasion, two engravings that complement each other and that we can encompass with the following title: THE…

La misión del V.M. Aberamentho

Important considerations on the mission of the V.M. Aberamentho

Important considerations on the mission of the V.M. Aberamentho 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Dear friends: In these days related to the Easter Week that we celebrate among all Christian peoples, it is well worth finding the answers to…