On the choice of grace, Jacob Böhme

On the choice of grace

On the choice of grace 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

But what do we refer to when we speak of the STATE OF GRACE? Without a doubt, we are referring to the search for the salvation of our soul or the values that pertain to it, that is to be in a state of GRACE.

Jesus and Moses, Misterium Magnum, Jacob Böhme

Jesus and Moses 

Jesus and Moses  850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Very endearing readers:
I approach all of you to send you a Gnostic description of the present engraving that corresponds to a book called MISTERIUM MAGNUM and which refers to ”Jesus and Moses”

God is the purest love, d'Eckartshausen

God is the purest love

God is the purest love 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

In this artistic work you can see a maiden – an Isis or priestess – doing her ablutions in front of the fire that burns in a cauldron and is connected to luminous rays that come from the heavens.

Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas 2023 900 1273 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Download ”Merry Christmas 2023” (HQ)

Desarrollo de la glándula pituitaria

Desarrollo de la glándula pituitaria

Desarrollo de la glándula pituitaria 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Acostado en su lecho, con todos los músculos de su cuerpo relajados, adormézcase pensando que el Fuego Sagrado del Espíritu Santo sigue bajando desde el cielo y entra en su cabeza por la glá…

Liberating Oneself from the Bodies

Liberating Oneself from the Bodies

Liberating Oneself from the Bodies 850 480 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Lying in his bed, with his arms crossed over his chest, the disciple will meditate profoundly on his physical body, telling himself: “I am not this physical body”.

Saint Marinus, Aldo Volpini

Saint Marinus

Saint Marinus 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

According to tradition, San Marino was founded by a Christian stonemason, Marinus the Dalmatian or Saint Marinus. This occurred between the years 275 and 366 AD.

The ecstasy of Saint Cecilia, Raffaello Sanzio

The ecstasy of Saint Cecilia

The ecstasy of Saint Cecilia 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

The painting shows us Saint Cecilia, dressed in a beautiful golden robe, raising her eyes to the sky and holding an organ in her hands. The organ was a highly revered musical instrument during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance because the music that this instrument emits is very spiritual.

The monstrance of the gothic cathedral of St. Moritz, Ingolstad

The monstrance of the gothic cathedral of St. Moritz

The monstrance of the gothic cathedral of St. Moritz 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Monstrance is the liturgical instrument that Catholic Christianity uses in its processions to show the power of the Holy Spirit. These types of instruments are very old and really belong to Gnosticism and not to Catholicism.