Dear readers, regardless of whether you want to see the goddess Diana associated in this engraving in the company of another deity, what does interest us in Gnosis is the relationship of the chaste Diana with our Divine Mother and the enormous work of hunting down our innumerable psychological aggregates that we carry in our psychic entrails.
The Chimera of Arezzo
This sculpture, of Etruscan origin, is made of bronze and is estimated to have been made around 400 BC near the city of Arezzo ─Italy─, where it was found in 1553. It measures 129 cm in length and is 78 cm high. It is currently in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence.
Cultura diaboli
To begin our description, we will say that, if we look at the center of this artistic engraving, we will immediately see the figure of Satan seated on the sphere that represents our world, and this is to show us that, indeed, it is he who, unfortunately, governs the destinies of this human anthill.
I now send you the second engraving of the sequence of four in total made by the Flemish artist Gérard Van Groeningen in 1573. This is the series of engravings encompassed under the title The Four Ways of Living on Earth.
On the choice of grace
But what do we refer to when we speak of the STATE OF GRACE? Without a doubt, we are referring to the search for the salvation of our soul or the values that pertain to it, that is to be in a state of GRACE.
Contemplation of divine revelation
First of all, we must know that this illustration was the work of the great German mystic named Jacob Böhme. This engraving is the title page of a work by the aforementioned author and the publishers asked Jacob Böhme 177 theosophical questions, of which the author answered 15.
Very endearing readers:
I approach all of you to send you a Gnostic description of the present engraving that corresponds to a book called MISTERIUM MAGNUM and which refers to ”Jesus and Moses”
The vision of a knight
I am communicating with all of you on this occasion to write to you about a work by the great Italian artist called Raphael or Raffaello Sanzio of Urbino ─1483-1520─. The title of this work is ”The vision of a knight”
The lament of Nature to the wandering alchemist
This work of art was created in the year 1516. It was the work of Jean Perreal of Paris.
The central part of this alchemical illustration shows us the Alchemist standing looking at Mercury, who is seated on a hearth, which in turn is part of a tree.
The ecstasy of Saint Cecilia
The painting shows us Saint Cecilia, dressed in a beautiful golden robe, raising her eyes to the sky and holding an organ in her hands. The organ was a highly revered musical instrument during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance because the music that this instrument emits is very spiritual.