Este hermoso grabado nos muestra ante todo la grandeza de buscar el camino del Cristo íntimo. Al mismo lo vemos dentro de una nube enseñando a un devoto el globo, que representa el caos espermático, coronado por una rama de laurel, símbolo, asimismo, del triunfo hermético.
Cultura diaboli
To begin our description, we will say that, if we look at the center of this artistic engraving, we will immediately see the figure of Satan seated on the sphere that represents our world, and this is to show us that, indeed, it is he who, unfortunately, governs the destinies of this human anthill.
I now send you the second engraving of the sequence of four in total made by the Flemish artist Gérard Van Groeningen in 1573. This is the series of engravings encompassed under the title The Four Ways of Living on Earth.
Muy entrañables amigos y amigas lectores/as: Me apresuro a enviaros, en las próximas entregas, cuatro grabados hechos aproximadamente en el año 1573 por Gérard Van…
This first of four engravings teaches us that if we do not have a correct relationship with the erotic force, we end up being slaves of sex and the egoic pleasures of drunkenness, gluttony, etc., etc., etc., etc.
This engraving teaches us in an allegorical way which are the virtues we need to develop if we really wish to achieve auto realization.
God is not a man but He is within every man.
God is not a woman, but He is the energy that moves her soul.
God is not a plant or an animal, but these Elementals come from the Monads, which, in turn, are daughters of the Theomegalogos.
Thanks to Gnosis we have in our depths our KAOM. He helps us to feel the remorse, repentance, moral pain for our bad deeds that we have done to others.
This engraving teaches us that for our alchemical garden to flourish we need to work with our Lucifer and the three primary Forces of Creation, all watched over by our Divine Mother, Stella Maris within.
When humanity wants to subsist without the values of the Spirit, of the BEING, which are love, ethics, morality, etc., everything is shrouded in confusion and disharmony and becomes a failed germ.
The mysteries of Alchemy intertwined with Greek Mythology show us the great realities that exist in the background of the greatest of the arcana in the history of mankind.
The prudent virgins and the foolish virgins
When we want to study the subject of Alchemy, it is necessary to study the prudent virgins and on the other side the foolish virgins of the portico of the Cathedral of Erfurt in Germany.
Este grabado de Albert Durero es la alegoría de la juventud, la madurez y la vejez. El autor quiere enseñarnos como se exprimen la belleza de la juventud, nunca perder la inspiración, la imaginación y no caer en la entropía y la dejadez.This engraving by Albrecht Dürer is an allegory of youth, maturity and old age. The author wants to show us how to express the beauty of youth, never lose inspiration or imagination, and never fall into entropy or complacency.
“Visit the interior of your philosophical land that by rectifying you will find the hidden stone’ – the Philosopher’s Stone ─ it is the path to the Intimate Self-Realization of the Self. Such is the teaching of this engraving entitled “The reward of work and diligence”.
Este grabado que pertenece a la Biblioteca Herzog August, Alemania, nos enseña que para ingresar en el reino del Espacio Abstracto Absoluto necesitaremos del pensamiento lógico superior que a se vez, pertenece a la razón objetiva del SER.