God is the purest love, d'Eckartshausen

God is the purest love

God is the purest love 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

In this artistic work you can see a maiden – an Isis or priestess – doing her ablutions in front of the fire that burns in a cauldron and is connected to luminous rays that come from the heavens.

Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries, Karl von Eckartshausen

Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries

Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

I hasten to send you this engraving entitled Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries. This beautiful illustration shows us the search for our Philosopher’s Stone with many of its details.

The secret candelabrum, Perspective on magic

The secret candelabrum

The secret candelabrum 1770 1216 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

First of all, it is necessary that you know that this engraving is part of the same book that was called Perspective on magic, written by Karl Von Eckartshausen, who lived between 1752 and 1803.