Specvlvm Vrens, Burning mirror: The purifying virtue of fire

Specvlvm vrens (Burning mirror)

Specvlvm vrens (Burning mirror) 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

But what we must take into account above all, giving it priority in the science that interests us, is the high purifying virtue that fire possesses. Pure principle par excellence and physical manifestation of purity itself, it thus points out its spiritual origin and reveals its divine filiation.

The lament of Nature to the wandering alchemist, Jean Perreal

The lament of Nature to the wandering alchemist

The lament of Nature to the wandering alchemist 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

This work of art was created in the year 1516. It was the work of Jean Perreal of Paris.
The central part of this alchemical illustration shows us the Alchemist standing looking at Mercury, who is seated on a hearth, which in turn is part of a tree.

Saint Marinus, Aldo Volpini

Saint Marinus

Saint Marinus 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

According to tradition, San Marino was founded by a Christian stonemason, Marinus the Dalmatian or Saint Marinus. This occurred between the years 275 and 366 AD.

The appearance of the Sacred Fire, Johann Kunckel

The appearance of the Sacred Fire

The appearance of the Sacred Fire 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

The image shown in this engraving appeared on the first pages of a book entitled The First Part of the Curious School of Art and Work, published in 1696, Des curieusen Kunstund Weerck-Schul ester ─und anderer─. The artist of this engraving was Johann Kunckel, who lived between 1630 and 1703.

Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries, Karl von Eckartshausen

Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries

Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

I hasten to send you this engraving entitled Mystical nights or the key to the mysteries. This beautiful illustration shows us the search for our Philosopher’s Stone with many of its details.

Enigmas of symbology, Karl von Eckartshausen

Enigmas of symbology

Enigmas of symbology 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

I am pleased to send you, on this occasion, another engraving by Karl Von Eckartshausen, which was published in 1790, two years after the first edition. Enigmas of symbology

The four Tetrasustainers

The four Tetrasustainers

The four Tetrasustainers 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

It is important to note that the word tetrasustainers must be interpreted as ‘the four who sustain’… And what do they sustain? Answer: Nothing less and nothing more than our Universe.

The alchemical mystery of the jester

The alchemical mystery of the jester

The alchemical mystery of the jester 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

I am pleased to send you all a very interesting comment about the figure who in medieval times was called the JESTER.

Temptation of the idler, Albrecht Dürer

Temptation of the idler

Temptation of the idler 364 257 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

En el mismo se aprecia que, ciertamente, estos artistas, independientemente de ser grandes exponentes del arte, tenían grandes inquietudes místicas sobre el destino del hombre en su estancia en la tierra. Por ello, el título de este grabado viene a ser, según el artista… 

Angel chained to the world, Pia Desideria

Angel chained to the world

Angel chained to the world 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

On this occasion we enter into this engraving that was made in Antwerp ─Belgium─ in the year 1624. It was entitled: Angel chained to the world