SPIRITVS CONSILII ─'The Spirit of Counsel'─

Spiritvs consilii

Spiritvs consilii 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Dearly beloved friends: I am immensely pleased to send you this engraving, which is precisely the third in the series TheSeven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this case we will talk about the…

─’The Spirit of Counsel’─

SPIRITVS CONSILII ─'The Spirit of Counsel'─

Once again, dear readers, we are shown a lady, this time her head is crowned with a branch of vine allegorizing joy. This lady has a halo of fire because she represents one of the qualities or gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Since the Third Logos only longs to illuminate our path and our soul in our passage on Earth, well on this occasion he directly points out to us the good advice that we always need so as not to err in our objective and not to get lost in our pilgrimage.

The lady wears a key around her neck —the key to good counsel— and on top of that key she wears another pendant from which hangs a heart. What does all this mean? Answer: The good counsel we give to our fellow men should always be accompanied by our good intention and the love we must profess toward them. Certainly, in many circumstances of our lives, good advice in time is the key or the formula to avoid falling into future problems that a given situation can generate…

The woman in our illustration carries a scale in her right hand to clearly indicate that our actions, our thoughts and our deeds must always be balanced like the scale. Likewise, when we give advice to a person we have to make sure that it is backed by balance. Let us remember that THE GREAT LAW always judges us by observing our actions, our thoughts, and our words. Ill-intentioned advice that we give to a person will, sooner or later, turn against us, that is the law.

Our advice should never be accompanied by arrogance on our part. Nor will advice “embellished” with the “I” of anger be of any use to others, this will never serve any purpose.

The Elder Brothers of the blessed White Brotherhood never impose their advice, they only give it and then it is up to us to choose whether to put it into practice or not. This is how the Holy Spirit acts whenever He manifests Himself through an Adept prepared to guide others.

Our daily life is a true school that we must always take advantage of to apply the good advice that the Sacred Scriptures have taught us since our childhood. Our earthly parents have been advising us since we were children, and most likely because of our unconsciousness we never paid attention, resulting in catastrophic situations that we have later regretted. The clumsiness of our animal Ego is certainly very hard to break.

I am reminded of the case of our Patriarch: V.M. Samael Aun Weor, who went through moments of great pain when one of his daughters ─whom he loved very much─ decided to marry a character who was not very clear about Gnosis. On the day of the commitment before the civil authorities, the Venerable Master warned his daughter: “Don’t marry, daughter, don’t marry, your life will become a martyrdom, please don’t marry!” However, that daughter ─unconscious─ decided to sign the marriage certificate and finally married that individual. Goodness gracious and Holy Mary!, with the passage of time that woman began to be mistreated to the point of being abandoned in the street with her children, having to dedicate herself to begging…..

In the midst of that situation, fortunately, our Avatar, whenever he could, sent her some money to support herself and her children, thus alleviating the moral pains that the unfortunate woman was suffering. This is a clear example of how important good advice is, given in time.

On many occasions in our studies, unfortunately, there have appeared companions who have given advice to others to marry so-and-so, as if they were enlightened by divinity. Obviously, the result of such advice has been misfortune, for these companions who have listened to such absurdities have led a life of uncertainty and bitterness over the years. This type of advice is the result of the mythomania of the person who pronounced it.

Let us not forget that, even at world level, bad advice led to the Second World War provoked by Mr. Adolf Hitler, who allowed himself to be guided by the evil advice of the man with the green gloves and the result of those barbarities committed then is still suffered by humanity today.

To know how to advise, we need peace of mind and heart and always keep in mind that maxim that is part of the eight virtues that bring us closer to the Sacred Fire of Devi-Kundalini, namely, among others: right way of thinking, right way of feeling and right way of acting…..

In our daily life of coexistence in our homes, we must always watch our word so as not to push our husband or wife, or our children if we have them, to commit actions that both others and ourselves will regret later. Verbum est Codex!

Continuing with our description, we will say that the maiden of our subject is also between two columns, which we must interpret as the force of wisdom and love. From conscious love will sprout the gems of wisdom. For this reason, Hermes Trismegistus affirmed: “I give you love, in which is contained the summum of wisdom!”.

I now add for you the Latin phrase that we find at the bottom of our engraving:

«Ante Omnia opera, verbum verax proecedat te, et ante omnem actum, consilium stabile. Bonis amici consiliis anima dulcoratur».

‘Before every work, let a true word precede you, and before every action, sure counsel. May the soul be sweetened by the good advice of a good friend.’

I also add for you:

“Ecclesiastics 32:

Etiquette at a Banquet

1 If they make you master of the feast do not exalt yourself;

be among them as one of their number. Take care of them first and then sit down:

2 When you have fulfilled all your duties, take your place so that you may be merry along with them and receive a wreath for everything is in order.

Conversation at banquets

3 Speak, you who are older, for it is your right, but with discretion and do not interrupt the music.

4 While there is listening, do not pour out talk or display your cleverness at the wrong time.

5 A ruby seal in a setting of gold is a concert of music while drinking wine;

6 a seal of emerald in a rich setting of gold is a melody of music with the sweetness of wine.

7 Speak, you who are young, if obliged to, but no more than twice and only if asked.

8 Be brief, say much in a few words: be as one who knows and can still hold his tongue.

9 Among the great, do not act as their equal, and when another is speaking, do not babble.

10 Lightning travels ahead of thunder, and approval goes before the modest man.

11 Leave in good time and do not be the last, go home quickly and do not linger.

12 Amuse yourself there to your heart’s content, but do not sin through proud speech.

13 But above all this, bless your Creator, who inebriates you with his good gifts.

The Fear of the Lord

14 The one who fears the Lord will accept to be instructed, and those who earnestly seek him will obtain his favor.

15 The one who seeks the Law will be filled with it, but to the one who pretends to observe it, it is a stumbling block.

16 Those who fear the Lord discover what is right and kindle their precepts like a light.

17 A sinful man does not tolerate any reproach and finds excuses to do what he wants.

18 A man of counsel does not neglect reflection; the wicked and the arrogant proceed rashly.

19 Do nothing without proper counsel, and you will not regret your actions.

20 Do not go on a road full of obstacles, and you will not stumble against stones.

21 Do not trust the clear path

22 and take care even of your children.

23 In everything you do, be true to yourself, for that too is keeping the commandments.

24 He who trusts in the Law pays attention to the commandments, and he who trusts in the Lord will not suffer loss.”

I now send you a few sentences for reflection:

“Give not the most agreeable advice, but the most advantageous.”

“Take for yourself the advice you give to others.”
Thales of Miletus

Give not advice to someone who does not ask for it. The advice must be taken according to the day and, if possible, according to the hour.”

“Behold one thing that the more it is needed, the less it is esteemed: advice.”
Leonardo da Vinci

“Counsel is a sacred thing.”

─‘Nothing in excess’─.