Who or what is God? 

Who or what is God?

Who or what is God? 1000 565 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu


God is not a man but He is within every man.

God is not a woman, but He is the energy that moves her soul.

God is not a plant or an animal, but these Elementals come from the Monads, which, in turn, are daughters of the Theomegalogos.

God is not the Universe but He is the essence of every galaxy, every star or every world.

God is every ocean and every drop of it.

God is the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink…..

God is not the sensory mind or the intermediate mind, but He is indeed the inner mind.

God is life and also death, for they are the two sides of his experiment. Hence it is said: “The imagination of the sage is the inspiration of the poet,” and both faculties are of divine origin.

God is not an idea, nor a concept; He is what has been, what is and what will always be!

Therefore it is not correct to say: “I think, therefore I am,” for God is beyond the mind and the affections.

God knows how to be visible and how to be abstract at the same time.

God is not a religion, but He is the goal that religions seek.

God’s greatness is immeasurable and therefore we cannot compare Him to anything or anyone.

God’s love does not distinguish between creatures, for each creature was created for an essential purpose.

Common sense and Consciousness are divine attributes that God shares with sensible men and women who have stopped dreaming……..

Omnia in Duobus.

Duo in Uno.

Unos in Nihilo.

Kwen Khan Khu, Brasil.

05-12-2024, 01:14 AM