Mystical enthusiasm, VM Kwen Khan Khu

Mystical enthusiasm

Mystical enthusiasm 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Mystical enthusiasm is a basic ingredient in the permanent search for the BEING.
It is such enthusiasm that opens to us the doors of ideas, superior archetypes, the COMPREHENSION of the Gnostic work and the corresponding continuity of purposes.

Who or what is God? 

Who or what is God?

Who or what is God? 1000 565 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

God is not a man but He is within every man.
God is not a woman, but He is the energy that moves her soul.
God is not a plant or an animal, but these Elementals come from the Monads, which, in turn, are daughters of the Theomegalogos.