Dearly beloved friends:
I am pleased to address you on this occasion and to send you the present engraving, a continuation of the series of seven expressions of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The present engraving is entitled:
─’The Spirit of Knowledge’─
The engraving was the work of Adrian Collaert.
This artistic expression refers to the true science, the science of the BEING, and not to the false science of the Antichrist. True science goes beyond the intellect. We must never confuse intellect with science. This is the science provoked by the Holy Spirit, the same science that inspired the construction of the pyramids of Egypt and many other places in our world, the science that led Newton to discover the law of gravity while he was in a state of contemplation, the science of transmutations or the Ars Magna of the alchemists. It is also the science that inspired the construction of the Gothic cathedrals, the science that in its time was able to point out the seven wonders of our planet –the lighthouse of Alexandria, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the pyramids of Egypt, etc., etc., etc.─.
That is why the lady who represents this gift, like the other ladies we have previously shown, has on her head a kind of crown composed of leaves from nature and at the same time fire shines on the back of it. This fire ─we say it again─ represents the illumination granted by the Third Logos ─namely: the Holy Spirit─ to all those who have always abhorred fornication and loved purity in thought, word, and deed.
The lady in our engraving holds in her right hand the Caduceus of Mercury, which has always been a symbol of intelligence and wisdom. It was for this reason that in Greek mythology Hermes was pointed outas a messenger of the Gods and intermediary between men and divinities.
The lady touches her chest with her left hand to indicate that true knowledge must spring from our hearts. That is why we call authentic science “science with a heart”…
The garment of the maiden in our study also bears a row of bells and spheres. Such bells allude to the musical octaves and the spheres are the crystallizations that the Holy Spirit creates in his constant work.
Once again the artist has placed the woman between two pillars that allude precisely to intelligence and wisdom.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit has enlightened some men, such as Nicola Tesla, who had designed a system to bring electricity to all the homes of a country using a receiver of the Earth’s magnetism that was then able to send the electric waves to people’s homes without the need for so many wires placed on city utility poles, all of which produces chaos and disorder. However, the animal Ego stuck its nose into such a project, and finally that scientist was sabotaged and his goal was left in the shadows.
Today’s science, divorced from the BEING, manufactures things that damage human health and even endanger it, such as herbicides, fuels that pollute our atmosphere and ruin our oxygen… This same “science” is the one that promotes abortions, thus committing crimes against Nature; it manufactures horrific nuclear weapons capable of wiping hundreds of thousands of people off the map in seconds; it is the science that wants to conquer other worlds without having permission from other humanities to do so; it is the false knowledge that invents vaccines to eliminate, according to the Machiavellian scientists, large human masses because they say that there are too many inhabitants in our world… What a lack of humanism!
Let us therefore differentiate the “intellectualoid knowledge” of our times from that other knowledge resulting from the enlightenment that has manifested itself at some point in the course of our history.
I now attach a Latin phrase that is at the bottom of our engraving:
«Vani [autem] sunt omnes homines, in quibus non subest scientia Dei, et de his quae videntur bona, non potuerunt intelligere cum qui est [neque operibus attendentes agnoverunt quis esset artifex]. Sapient.13».
Translation: ‘For all people who lived ignorant of God are [utterly] lacking in intelligence; in spite of seeing so many good things they were unable to recognize the One who truly exists. Wisdom 13’.
I now attach a few lines for you from the chapter “Wisdom”:
“2 But they supposed that either fire or wind or swift air or the circle of the stars or turbulent water or the luminaries of heaven were the Gods that rule the world.
3 If through delight in the beauty of these things people assumed them to be Gods, let them know how much better than these is their Lord, for the author of beauty created them.
4 And if peoplewere amazed at their power and working, let them perceive from them
how much more powerful is the one who formed them;5 for from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator.
6Yet these people are little to be blamed, for perhaps they go astray while seeking God and desiring to find him.
7 They spend their lives in the midst of the works of God, trying to study them, and they are deceived by their appearance, because the things that are seen are indeed beautiful.
8 Yet again, not even they are to be excused,
9 for if they had the power to know so much, that they could investigate the Universe,
how did they not more quickly find the Lord of these things?”.
Allow me now to add for you some sentences for your reflection:
“To know and to know how to demonstrate it is to know twice.”
“The wisest is the one who does not know that he is wise.”
“A man may pass for wise when he seeks wisdom, but if he thinks he has found it, he is a fool.”
Persian proverb
“The wise man remembers the past, enjoys the present and foresees the future.”
“If we do not plant the tree of wisdom when we are young, it will not be able to lend us its shade in old age.”
Lord Chesterfield
─‘It is proven’─.