PACIENTIA ─‘Patience’─


PACIENTIA 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Dear readers:

I am very pleased to send you this engraving.

This artistic work was entitled Patience and was made in 1540 by Sebald Beham (1500-1550), a German draughtsman who was also an engraver, miniaturist, designer of woodcuts and stained glass, and who was one of the most prolific artists of his time. Without further ado, let us now go to the description of this image.


Undoubtedly, patient reader, one of the greatest virtues to be achieved in our journey toward the conquest of the kingdom of the BEING is none other than that which bears the name of PATIENCE. Our Venerable Patriarch, V.M. Samael Aun Weor, emphasizes to us: “Patience is the ladder of the Gnostic and humility is the door to his garden.” With this phrase we would say that everything has already been said.

To endure the ordeals of the Secret Path, one needs many kilos of this ingredient, which esotericism and true faith have called PATIENCE. And it will become necessary, not only from the beginning of our walk, but even in very advanced stages of the narrow path. That is why we are told of the patience of saint Job…..

The energy of the evil one in us is very strong and can only be disintegrated by another energy superior in potentiality, which is the energy of the Third Logos. This is the energy of our Divine Lady ─Stella Maris─, to whom we must pray in a persevering manner when we want to eliminate from our occult anatomy such aberrations of the wicked one.

We must know that there are stages in our pilgrimage in which we have to appeal to that sacred ingredient that we call PATIENCE, because we will be disintegrating psychological aggregates of a causal nature. Such aggregates summarize very serious crimes that we have committed in previous existences, all of which has accumulated a lot of karma that we inevitably have to pay if we want to move forward. Such moments of our existence become really hateful and tiring in extremis for the devotees of the path, and there are many who throw in the towel thinking that we will never finish paying for such karmas, even when this is not a reality.

In such moments we have to resort to PATIENCE as a tool of work and secure ourselves in absolute FAITH in our REAL BEING. The “I”, the Ego, will resort to all its pettiness to try to push us toward skepticism and entropy, but it is in such circumstances that we must withdraw ourselves into repentance, interiorization, faith and prayer. There is a proverb that tells us: “God helps those who help themselves,” that means that even in the midst of the torture that we may be suffering we must vehemently insist on our practices to increase our will: fasts of food and speech; practices with the Runes ISIS, THORN, RITA; invocation of Masters such as the Angel Baruch; practices with the Logos Gabriel, etc., etc., etc. These practices will give us animic support in the midst of our loneliness and tribulation. We have to be insistent so as not to be swallowed up by entropy and the abandonment of inner work……

Let us remember in such moments of powerlessness and bitterness all the desperate moments that the twelve apostles of the V.M. Aberamentho had to endure throughout their lives trying to spread the message of the most sacred CHRESTOS at a time when Christianity itself was persecuted by the public authorities and those who were imprisoned were, unfortunately, thrown to the lions of the Roman circuses.

Throughout the history of the Christian faith we have known that many martyred men and women suffered real tortures precisely because they simply wanted to preach a creed of authentic salvation. Many of these martyrs were self-realized and others were not, but they took great animic values to the superior worlds that later helped them to achieve this Self-Realization in subsequent existences.

It is important to remember that, if one day our BEING makes us go through what is called the spiritual night, we will need a very high dose of PATIENCE to endure and pass it. The impatient ones ─as our Avatar, V.M. Samael, has said─ are of no use for our studies. Those little companions had better find a little spiritualist school to keep them entertained for a while and, if later they are convinced that there is nothing transcendental there, then let them return to us…

In the present engraving we can see a maiden embracing and protecting a little lamb ─which in this case symbolizes our intimate Christ or our Essence─ from the evil will of the Beast that we carry inside us. Certainly, PATIENCE is a strong refuge when we are in danger, besieged by the negative thoughts and demoralization caused by the evil one in his attempt to drag us into his spheres of perdition.

Likewise, dear reader, we need a great deal of PATIENCE to attain certain achievements that are values that we have to accumulate in our depths. Suffice it to recall that our blessed Guru ─V.M. Samael Aun Weor─ had to practice going out in JINN STATE for a year until he was carried through the airs of mystery through the fourth dimension. Let us remember that in this practice the devotee can enter, even with his physical body, within the fourth vertical and move to distant places to do his research, let us not forget it…

At the bottom of this engraving there are some words in Latin, they are the following:

«Sebaldus Beham pictor noricvs faciebat».

Translation: ‘Sebald Beham, Austrian painter, made it’.

It is good to clarify that the word noricvs refers to the Roman province currently called Austria.

Likewise, the initials IsB represent the full name of the author: Hans Sebald Behan; however, Hans = Johan, hence: Johannes or Ioannes. Here we see an I instead of an H.

On the other hand, it is important to know that, as our Ego of ANGER dies, greater is the percentage of PATIENCE that we acquire. The lords of the GREAT LAW –I do not mean their human Bodhisattvas– can judge souls precisely because they are exempt from the aggregate of ANGER.

ANGER generates in us a poison that is esoterically called IMPERIL. Such a poison is destroying, little by little, CLAIRCOYANCE. On the contrary, PATIENCE is allowing us to capture the phenomena of the ultra with more and more intensity. This is important to understand very well.

Let us remember the patient work that our Avatar ─V.M. Samael Aun Weor─ had to carry out to get out of the tenebrous world none other than one of the princes of hell ─namely: Beelzebub─. This was an arduous task in which our Patriarch had to endeavour with great patience to pull this character out of the abyss. It was not easy, but thanks to patience he succeeded.

Finally, esteemed reader, patience can perform unimaginable miracles both in our material or spiritual life and in the lives of our fellow human beings.

I now send you some sentences to be reflected upon:

“What is impossible to correct, patience makes tolerable.”

“Genius is nothing more than a long patience.”
Hérault de Sechellées

“Art and science are not enough, but patience is also indispensable.”

“With patience and tranquility everything is achieved…, and then some.”

─‘From the stars comes knowledge’─.