Conceptions of Contemporary Gnosticism

Conceptions of Contemporary Gnosticism 1280 720 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

But if one dies, then we have many doors open, and doors that will be open to us because the Father wants us to self-realize. Conceptions of Contemporary Gnosticism

Valorizations of the Gnostic Inner Work

Valorizations of the Gnostic Inner Work 1280 720 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

We must persevere at all costs on this path. The impatient ones will abandon this path very quickly, because the knowledge of ourselves is a lengthy task that takes a lifetime, but it is not in vain. Valorizations of the Gnostic Inner Work

The Buddhist Annihilation

The Buddhist Annihilation 1280 720 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Everyone wants to be happy. We spend our entire life looking for happiness. How can we realize this happiness inside of us? How can we live it, in each moment?

The Impact of Impressions

The Impact of Impressions 1280 720 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Can we create the kind of life we want? Yes!
However, transformation of our lif…

Study of the Occult Anatomy of Man

Study of the Occult Anatomy of Man 1280 720 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Who are we? Are we our body? Are we our clothes, our family, our house, our job …

The Path that gives Meaning to our Lives

The Path that gives Meaning to our Lives 1280 720 V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Do you know that there is a path that leads to the hidden knowledge, the superio…