Dearest reader friends:
I hereby send you an engraving entitled…
─’Why a root in the middle of the heart?’ ─
This engraving is emblem 97 of the book Morosophie ─1553─, written by Guillaume la Perriere (1499-1554), a French humanist and writer.
A text in Latin:
«Cur cordis medio radix? Cur tramite caeco
Truncus in alta ruens fructibus ora replet?
An quia ─quodcunque est─ cor nostrum concipit omne, Illius & mentem lingua diserta refert».
Translation: ‘Why is there a root in the middle of the heart? Why, as we run blindly upwards through a dark path, the trunk, in haste, fills the mouth with fruit? Or perhaps our heart contains all of it, and the eloquent tongue communicates the concept to the psyche?’
The French text that accompanies the drawing:
Regarde & voy, que l’arbre de sagesse ─duquel convient que l’homme soit instruit─ prent sa racine au coeur, & tant se dresse, que par la bouche il fait sortir le fruit.
The translation of the French sentence: ‘Look and see that the tree of wisdom ─from which it is fitting that man should be instructed─ takes root in the heart and rises so high that it must bring forth the fruit through the mouth.’
This enigmatic and wonderful engraving contains enormous truths that are well worth transmitting.
It is interesting to observe in it the central character resting his left hand on some writings or an open book. This is done by the protagonist of our emblem to convey to us that his words are placed on a sacred book as if he wants to swear that HE DOES NOT LIE, and, on the other hand, to indicate that what he wants to tell us coincides with what he thinks. In other words, that the concept and the words or thoughts go together.
It is written that the human creature must be founded on the precepts of the tree of life ─the BEING─, and, on the other hand, for this goal to bear fruit, the Initiate must be nourished with the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ─sex─.
It is already clarified by Gnosis that sexuality enslaves or liberates the whole of humanity; this is, today more than ever, a true reality wherever we go to or wherever we observe the humanoid race. That is why we can easily see two ramifications sprouting from the mouth of the individual of our illustration: one of the branches would be that of the tree of life and the other that of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The question we are asked in the Latin translation, “Why is there a root in the middle of the heart?” contains two answers:
Because the heart of man must be the repository of the vibrations of the Father.
Because the heart of the human creature is the tomb of his negative feelings that, because of unconsciousness, we continue to carry inside.
Obviously, in the first case there is the explanation of the efforts we must make so that, despite the darkness we are encountering, the heart still manages to bring forth the fruits of the inner work emerge through the word, that is, through the mouth.
In the second case, having lost the spiritual longings, the person condemns himself and his Verb or his word will simply be garbage containers that we will constantly throw on our fellow men.
A third option would be that the heart is used to continue repeating the noise of the “I” by means of mechanical feelings that lead to nothing.
The translation of the sentence in French ─which we have already related─ sheds some other truths for us, let us see:
Certainly, the BEING, when He needs to express His arguments, goes through all the animic or spiritual obstacles until He achieves His mission.
No doubt the ancient Christian scriptures made it very clear when they pointed out to us: “And the Word became flesh and came to us, and we saw His glory and His wisdom, but the light came into the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
The above sentence makes it very clear to us that, at the end of all the conscious work done on ourselves, the Verb, the Word, will be the truthful testimony according to which a given Adept has reached his Self-Realization.
That was the real testimony that we saw in the person of our Patriarch, Samael Aun Weor, who, every time he was exalted in his work, all that was reflected in his treatises or magisterial works. Likewise, his word underwent a superior modification that astonished all of us who have listened to his homilies or lectures while hearing those indications that he gave to us and which resembled the roar of a lion.
To conclude, I give you some excellent sentences that help us understand these things:
“The word is more powerful than the cannon.”
José de la Luz y Caballero
“What a prodigious transformation that of meek and inert words, in the ordinary kind of flock, when they are summoned and commanded by the genius of the artist!”
José Enrique Rodó
“Can there be anything in the world more frightful than the eloquence of a man who does not speak the truth?”
“When it comes to defending a good cause, it is not difficult to speak well.”
“Eloquence is the art of bulking up small things and diminishing big things.”
─‘The day teaches the day’─.