Hercules gallicum, Attila Bocchi, (1488 - 1562)

Hercules gallicum

Hercules gallicum 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Very endearing readers:

I am sending you on this occasion an engraving attributed to an Italian poet named Attila Bocchi, who lived between 1488 and 1562. This engraving belongs to a text called Symbolicarum questionum de universo genere.

The title of this engraving is…


Hercules gallicum, Attila Bocchi, (1488 - 1562)

This engraving represents the Gallic God Hercules, who in Celtic mythology is the parallel of the Greek Alcides or Heracles and the Roman Hercules. He is considered the God of eloquence and was therefore called Ogmios ─Ogmius─.

Like the Greek or Roman Hercules, he wears a lion’s skin, a mallet and a bow with arrows. However, Ogmios is depicted with long gold chains that sprout from his mouth and reach the ears of his followers.

Undoubtedly, esteemed readers, this engraving points out to us, once again, the power of the intimate Christ, whose Word penetrates everything and His power is enormous, all of which leads Him to be considered, even in Christianity, as the Lord of the Great Word.

Before entering into the description of this ancient engraving, let us look at some Latin phrases that tell us:

“Hic Hercules est Gallicus: intellegat qui auret habet.” Translation: ‘Behold the Gallic Hercules: let him who has ears understand.’

“Cura et labore perfici eloquentiam.” Translation: ‘By education and effort to be educated in eloquence.’

Then follow these stanzas:

Ancient engraving «Cura et labore perfici eloquentiam»

“Discere quisquis auet bene, dicere, discat oportet ille prius studium id, cura, laborq; facit. Si studium affuerit summum, quidam ardor amoris, Tum nihil obfuerint cura, laborq; tibi. Qui Gallum Alcidem semel auribus hauserit ultro ille disertus erit non modo, sed sapiens.“ 

Translation: ‘He who wishes to learn to speak well, it is fitting that he should first learn; diligence and effort do so.

If there were an utmost diligence and a kind of ardor, then dedication and effort will not be far from you.

Whoever has received the Gallic Alcides with his ears, spontaneously he will be not only loquacious, but wise.

Here are some comments from some scholars:

“Ogmios is eloquence sure of his power, the God who, through magic, attracts his faithful. He is also a symbol of the power of the ritual word that unites the world of men with the world of the Gods. In his name blessings are uttered in favor of friends and curses against enemies.

The Irish deity closest to Ogmios is Ogham, a warrior from Túata de Danann who is also credited with inventing the ogham alphabet, magical signs whose strength is so great that it can paralyze the adversary. In Irish mythology Túata de Danann means people of the goddess Danu, also called Túata Dé, that is, people of the Gods. Both Ogmios and Ogma are known as deities of eloquence.”

Image of the Gallic Hercules, which shows us that the intimate Christ. Albrecht Dürer

Image of the Gallic Hercules, which shows us that the intimate Christ always has close disciples ─apostles─ to whom he teaches his sacred mysteries.

The Gallic Hercules assuming the attributes of Hermes or Mercury.

Allegory of Eloquence, reproduction of a drawing by Albrecht Dürer ─Albrecht Durer─, British Museum.

In this image we can see the Gallic Hercules assuming the attributes of Hermes or Mercury, as he wears wings on his feet and in his right hand he holds the serpentine caduceus. We can also see the winged helmet and a star that guides it. This is to signify that the intimate Christ, in addition to possessing the words of power to generate new circumstances and guide the multitudes, is the same guiding star capable of taking us to the heavens of Consciousness. The Word of the Lord reaches the ears of the crowds and has the capacity to penetrate even their souls.

Our doctrine emphasizes to us the fact that whoever has true ardors ─namely longings─, will sooner have the presence of the intimate Hercules incarnated within himself and, obviously, his Word will be more eloquent and his wisdom fuller, since the intimate Christ stands out for being THE INCARNATED WORD and enjoys omniscience.

In our engraving we can see the Gallic Hercules riding on a cart pulled by oxen while those golden chains sprout from his mouth. Such golden chains symbolize the very GOLDEN VERB or DIVINE TONGUE of our intimate Chrestos. That is the power of the Lord of Perfections. Souls who follow His words will sooner or later receive the gifts of the spirit and their deliverance.

I now send you a few phrases for reflection:

“There is no doubt that true devotion is the source of tranquility.”
La Bruyère

“Heaven always favors the just request.”

“The greatest piety is the most secret.”

“Almost all devotees are curious. They indemnify themselves for the sins they do not commit with the pleasure of scrutinizing those of others.”

─‘Give us peace’─.