THE REVOLUTION OF BEL is an exciting book, now beautifully bound as never before, and in which the reader will be able to discover the great reality of the eternal struggle between light and…
These pages, originally entitled Christmas Message 1967-1968, are applicable in the 21st century due to explaining in detail the path of return to the great light –from which everything come…
We present this book that is part of what its author, the Avatar of Aquarius – V.M. Samael Aun Weor – refers to as the kindergarten of his teaching, and yet, the entire psychological work th…
A work in which the reality or falsehood of the so-called “Flying Saucers” is thoroughly explained, has rarely been given to mankind. With this work, Samaelian Gnosis reveals, simply and cle…
Out of all the Gnostic texts that have been known to mankind, Pistis Sophia is undoubtedly the one that surpasses in relevance all others known to the world of Christian theology. Containing…
Many pages have been written in order to understand the remarkable figure of Jesus of Nazareth. However, such attempts often end up in the realm of fantasy or of dialectical speculations that distort reality. The problem is further exacerbated when it comes to revealing the secret life of the Savior of the World.
When Richard Wagner called his opera Parsifal a sacred stage festival, he did not do it in a trivial manner, as this connoisseur of the mysteries of occultism knew well of the legends of Kin…
A work called to become an indispensable link in the chain of knowledge that must lead us to the wise interpretation of the people who achieved, without a doubt, the wise union of the human …
No great thinker has been able to resist the attempt to analyze the enigmatic nature of the Fire. Without a doubt, few have been able to capture the essence that exists beyond the flame. Tha…
Tantrism, with its aspects in Anagaranga, Kama-Sutra and Kama-Kalpa, finds in this essential work of Gnosticism the “real explanation and practical application” for the exaltation of the ric…