Allegory of chastity, Lorenzo Lotto

Allegory of chastity

Allegory of chastity 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

I am glad to send you this oil painting by an artist named Lorenzo Lotto, from the time of 1505. This work is preserved in the National Gallery of Art in Washington.
The title of this artistic work is Allegory of chastity or Allegory of the Vigilant Sleep of the Soul

Allegory of the hunt, Giorgio Ghisi

Allegory of the hunt

Allegory of the hunt 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Dear readers, regardless of whether you want to see the goddess Diana associated in this engraving in the company of another deity, what does interest us in Gnosis is the relationship of the chaste Diana with our Divine Mother and the enormous work of hunting down our innumerable psychological aggregates that we carry in our psychic entrails.

The Chimera of Arezzo, Florence

The Chimera of Arezzo

The Chimera of Arezzo 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

This sculpture, of Etruscan origin, is made of bronze and is estimated to have been made around 400 BC near the city of Arezzo ─Italy─, where it was found in 1553. It measures 129 cm in length and is 78 cm high. It is currently in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence.

The image of diligence and dedication, Crispin van de Passe

“Diligentiae et sedvlitatis typus” (La imagen de la diligencia y de la dedicación)

“Diligentiae et sedvlitatis typus” (La imagen de la diligencia y de la dedicación) 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Landscape with Father Time as a naked winged man with a scythe and an hourglass, and the female personification of diligence ─diligentia─ and industriousness ─sedulitas─, with a loom or spinning wheel. In the foreground a bird.

Only virtue is exempt from death, Emblemata Liber, Boissard

”Sola virtus est funeris expers” (Only virtue is exempt from death)

”Sola virtus est funeris expers” (Only virtue is exempt from death) 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

What does all this mean?
It means, esteemed readers, that the only thing that has true meaning in our existence is to live for the BEING and His virtues. The BEING is everything and is capable of defeating death. With the BEING we continue in the region of the dead but enjoying dignity, intelligence, Consciousness and enjoying a fullness that is difficult to define.

Mvndvs delirans, non sapit, qvae dei svnt, Jan David, (1545-1613)

Mvndvs delirans, non sapit, qvae dei svnt

Mvndvs delirans, non sapit, qvae dei svnt 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

The sleeping humanity, which has no sacred individuality, appreciates more the things that constitute the egoic fantasy instead of longing to get closer to the Christic world.

STVLTITIAM PATIVNTVR OPES, Wealth allows stupidity, Raphael Sadeler (1561-1628)



This engraving represents the decadence of mankind plunged into absolute disorder, a very low level of being, vanity. All this leads to the decadence of humanity plunged into absolute disorder, vanity… leads to stupidity, total entropy. Wealth allows stupidity and total entropy.

SYLVAE SACRAE ─'Sacred Forests'─

Sylvae sacrae

Sylvae sacrae 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

This beautiful engraving shows us that our redemption is only possible through the help of the cross.

Hercules gallicum, Attila Bocchi, (1488 - 1562)

Hercules gallicum

Hercules gallicum 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

These engravings represent the Gallic God Hercules, who is the parallel of the Greek Heracles and the Roman Hercules.

Cultura Christi, las cuatro formas de vivir en la Tierra.

Cultura Christi

Cultura Christi 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Este hermoso grabado nos muestra ante todo la grandeza de buscar el camino del Cristo íntimo. Al mismo lo vemos dentro de una nube enseñando a un devoto el globo, que representa el caos espermático, coronado por una rama de laurel, símbolo, asimismo, del triunfo hermético.