Allegory of the hunt, Giorgio Ghisi

Allegory of the hunt

Allegory of the hunt 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

Dear readers, regardless of whether you want to see the goddess Diana associated in this engraving in the company of another deity, what does interest us in Gnosis is the relationship of the chaste Diana with our Divine Mother and the enormous work of hunting down our innumerable psychological aggregates that we carry in our psychic entrails.

Hercules at the crossroads, Pieter Nolpe

Hercules at the crossroads

Hercules at the crossroads 850 480 V.M. Kwen Khan Khu

This engraving, “Hercules at the crossroads”, esoterically alludes to the decision that has to be made by every aspirant to become a SOLAR MAN, in other words, by every Bodhisattva who, having already raised his seven Serpents of Fire, must clearly decide between the Dry Path of the alchemist or the Humid Path of the transmutatory art.