Mystical enthusiasm is a basic ingredient in the permanent search for the BEING.
It is such enthusiasm that opens to us the doors of ideas, superior archetypes, the COMPREHENSION of the Gnostic work and the corresponding continuity of purposes.
“Natura conspice sortem” (Observe the fate of Nature)
Mysteriously, this engraving illustrates to all of us those two aspects of God Mother that our V.M. Samael Aun Weor comments abundantly in his works.
Mvndvs delirans, non sapit, qvae dei svnt
The sleeping humanity, which has no sacred individuality, appreciates more the things that constitute the egoic fantasy instead of longing to get closer to the Christic world.
Prudence is the fundamental virtue we must attain in order to observe whether changes have occurred in our inner work.
This artistic work represents the cruelty, hypocrisy, selfishness that poisoned the heart of human societies now living on the face of the Earth.
This engraving shows us, with all its initiatic and alchemical symbols, the Hermetic Way that leads us to the inner self-realization of the Being.
Spiritvs temoris dni
The BEING, or God, is the master of our life, that is why in the tablets of Moses, the first commandment said, “You shall love your God above all things…”
Spiritvs pietatis
To attain Mastery it is indispensable to walk on the rails of piety and humility and thus continue advancing towards the abode of the Father.
Spiritvs scientiae
True science, the science of the Being, goes beyond the intellect. This is the science provoked by the Holy Spirit that we call true science “science with heart”.
Spiritus Fortitvdinis
This engraving shows us that the Holy Spirit gives souls the strength or power necessary to face the diverse circumstances of our existence.